Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oy Vey

He looks so sweet, doesn't he? Smiling, playing. Don't be fooled. Tommy is an eating machine. He ate a quarter of a cup of rice cereal last night before bed, and still got up four times in the middle of the night to eat. I am very, very tired.

I got up early for the fantastic trip to the girly doctor for my annual exam. Always a pleasure to be poked and prodded "down there" at 8 am. But I made the best of it. I showered. I shaved. Then I put clean socks on my nice clean feet - only to find the left one filled with sand. That's right, sand. What the? So now I'm walking around with sand between my toes. I'm trying to write it off as microdermabrasion for my feet.

So I'm running a little late, and I go to change Tommy really quickly so we can dash off to the doctor's ... and as soon as I get his diaper off, I feel a wet warmpth soaking my leg. And yes, my adorable son has peed all over me, all over the changing table, and all over himself. He even hit his own chin. And he's just grinning at me like it's the funniest thing ever. Yeah. Funny.

So, that was how my day started. How 'bout yours?


Jessica Spotswood said...

Awww, he has the most adorable smile! I hope the rest of your day is better (and as pee-free as possible).

Chris said...

When I grow up I want to be an eating machine.

Anonymous said...

Good gravy, he is adorable. Gerberesque---that's a high compliment, IMO.

Lisa said...

He's the cutest little eating machine ever!!

Judy said...

What a beautiful boy!

Diana Mancuso said...

Very cute story. Sounds a little familiar...

I think babies have some sort of sixth sense about these things. They have to find amusement somehow, don't they?

By the by, Tommy is one cutie patutie!