Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Decorations No. 1

I've finally gotten all the decorations up - well, except the tree. We'll wait on the grandparents for that. Can't wait to try to keep the Tominator out of that. Ugh.

This is an olivewood musical creche that my grandmother brought me from Israel when I was a little girl.

Our new stockings and the Advent calendar.

Front door wreath.

Evergreens over the mirror in the family room.

Our advent wreath. I can't find purple candles this year, so white will have to do. Trader Joe's used to sell the best purple candles this time of year; now it seems they only sell white. Bah Humbug to them too.

My mom's Santa collection. It doesn't show up well in the pictures, but it's really neat.

And last but not least, Frosty. Tom insists he's a bird, because of his pointy carrot nose. I have not been able to convince him that Frosty is, in fact, a snowman.


AngieK said...

sooo pretty. Love the stockings

Jessica Spotswood said...

Ooh, very festive! I'm impressed that you've done all this! I think we'll start decorating this weekend when it's no longer 70 degrees outside; I'm finding it hard to reconcile the two.

Anonymous said...

Great glimpse into your lovely home!

Heth said...

Loving your blue front door.

Julie Q. said...

I love the way the santa collection is arranged above the piano. It's so artistically done. Do you rent yourself out to decorator-impaired friends?

Anonymous said...

Great decorations! It reminds me that I really need a wreath for my door.

And good luck keeping Tom out of the tree. We are not having such good luck on our end.